Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A different way of looking at months!

Hey there,

Do you feel life is so same and kind of becoming routine? Well here is the thing, almost 95% people think the same. I watched a video in TED, it was about 'taking a goal for each month' and just follow it. I mean, like simple goals say 'no sugar in your coffee', 'write 50 words per day in a notepad', 'give up social media like Facebook, Twitter etc.,'. Either we have a goal or do nothing months' just pass away. Hence, this is what I am doing this year to kinda spice it up.

January 2014: 

I stopped using Facebook at my work. I should say, forget about those increase in productivity, worked on career growth, I actually started reading some good online articles, tried to use internet to learn instead of connecting to so called social media website. I guess now I have a good control over social media now.

February 2014:

Well! Two goals, a do and a don't type. I had decided to give up Coffee for a month, purposely on Feb because it has less days overall. Ha ha! That was to test my brain's addiction formula. And the 'do goal' was to write two or more lines of poem/spoken word poetry each day. Post February, what I found was, not doing something for sometime is easy, but doing something on a daily basis seems to be difficult. You tend to forget, ignore, or be lazy! But yeah made it.

For people who would like to go over my scribbled lines, please follow the link

March 2014:

Three goals on the third month. 2 don'ts and 1 do! So, did not listen to Coldplay tracks and did not sleep after 8 AM. Looking tough, is it? That was a hope to make a routine wake up cycle. There was one 'do goal' and that was, a blog 'Pic & Pick'. The blog is about taking a picture each day and post it with a small note. What did I get post March? A blog page and a routine wake up cycle, but yeah missed Coldplay tracks badly. There was a track released by Coldplay during march, worth the wait, I listened to it first thing after that month got over, track details below :)

Coldplay - Track: Magic, Album: Ghost stories

Follow the link to see Pic & Pick blog:

April 2014:

Fourth month of this year, and yes I got four goals to accomplish. Was able to complete them but had some challenges in following it. :) So, let me tell you about the 'Don't do' goals first, planned not to use Lift anywhere I went & not to use Pen. Funny isn't. Mission accomplished with minor flaws. 
One day, April 19th, I went out to give a Certification, had to sign in Pen on the entry list. Followed by few signatures on my Credit card receipts. Huh! Another night, April 22nd, I was having dinner with team mates, followed by a meeting to join from the restaurant, a little exhausted day I should say, used the Lift for two floors down :|. Moving to the 'do goals',  that easily possible one during Summer, took cold showers. Last one, a little challenging one, I was carrying sticky notes and a pencil asking one same question to few known people & few strangers. As I said, that goal had hurdles and the major ones are, approaching strangers in a crowded place, feeling uncomfortable, afraid of rejection (like someone saying 'not this time'). But you know what, ironically, I got to see one useful video about approaching strangers after April month got over. A video from Brandon Stanton, founder of Humans of New York.

May 2014:

Made it. So the 'don't do goals' goes like this, I decided not to stay at office after 9 PM whatsoever, sometimes even when my work was complete, I use to stay there. Leaving before 9 PM in-fact gave me a good work-life balance. The next one, no Chocolates! People did ask me 'Are you crazy?'. Well, I just wanted to have a break up with Chocolates for a month, you know! :P And then the last 'don't do goal' - no personal emails/social networking at office, and of course this helped to leave early. Do goals! Thought about reading few pages in any book. Was able to complete 2 books. And the last one, was trying to make as much eye contacts as possible. This is an exercise to reflect the focus on the others who looks at me. It gives you a little bit of confidence I feel.

June 2014:

Yes, made it! So Recording a song a day, this was easy. In-fact uploaded two best (in my opinion) recordings in Will upload a few more in sometime. Learn Guitar chord, yeah I was learning few chords and even the guitar intro from "Mogathirai" song. I should start playing it everyday. :) A fruit a day, for the first 19 days I was able to have unique fruit a day, but last 11 days there were some repetition. No plastic bags, I use to carry my back bag to get stuffs. This is like go-green initiative. If you look outside, our earth is completely covered by plastic cover these days, the least I can do. No carbonated drinks, I generally drink them less. Still, wanted to stop it for a month. The last one, a little tough one in current world, no internet from 10pm to 10am. Slightly failed, most of the days I followed this goal, except that when I need to connect from home to work or any emergency. Internet is like oxygen for us these days. Isn't!

You can check out my recordings in (please bare with my voice and musical mistakes):

July 2014:

7 goals!

No Facebook: Was possible. No shaving: Yeah, I had that close to stubble look :-P, A candy to a stranger: Gave candies to office securities, lift operators, house keeping folks. I loved their smiles with a surprise. A metaphor on something: Slowly I started liking to relate real life with metaphors. Lately I have been saying lot of metaphors. Yeah wrote them in my diary. Write a moment in diary: I use to write diary in the past. Now again, just for this month I was capturing few moments on a day-to-day basis. No movies: Not a tough one, I am not a movie buff but still was not watching any movie. No talking for 1 hr in a day when surrounded by people: This was tough, very tough especially when you are in a Consulting world where you can't shut your mouth. : )

August 2014:

Decided not to follow 8 goals and go crazy. Just one, a trip, to somewhere, alone. Yes, went to Andaman. Follow the below link : )

September 2014:

This month, going to ink my first tattoo. A permanent one. This way, I can get out for the fear that I always have on 'committing to something for life time'. Are you planning to ink a tattoo? Check out this link.

October 2014: 

My birthday month. Pledged to donate eyes. And a coincidence I visited a visually impaired NGO. The below link is my point of view in disability.

November 2014:

A Cycling trip to Coastal area. My first cycle trip. A blog will be published shortly.

December 2014:

My first time guest lecture at a B-school, and a finisher of 10K marathon!  :)

2014 was filled with lot of first times in my life. Unlike other years 2014 has become so special and I can remember each precious month of this year due to my crazy/easy/lazy goals.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pic & Pick!

March 31, 10:48 PM

Water. Covered by 3/4th of the world, yet scarcity. We know more than 50% of the people in this world have issues in getting water, but no water bottle manufacturing industries face issues in getting it. Ugly truth, water is available, but in the wrong hands.

March 30, 08:16 PM

Different mindsets, different purposes, different topics, different goals, different ages, one place. Park.

March 29, 08:48 PM

A shop with 5x5 space, am sure they have more than 500 products. :) 

March 28, 08:06 PM

I just follow this poster.. I mean after-all everyone of us are trying to be happy in some or the other way. Aren't we? A small history, Keep Calm posters were produced by British Government in 1939 for a different reason. But it was rediscovered in 2000 as a decorative theme for quite a range of products.

March 27, 05:13 PM

Life is similar to Facebook, the more you appreciate others you will get it back, the more you ignore others you get nothing back. 

March 26, 07:13 PM

We will worry less about what other people think about us when we realize how seldom they do! :P

March 25, 08:13 PM

I like nights, it forces us to slow down from the 'rush to nowhere' life and open doors to find some little piece of peace.    

March 24, 07:28 PM

I don't remember how was the first paper rocket I made looked like, but definitely this is how the latest one looks like.. Made it few months back :P

March 23, 05:28 PM

Sometimes it is good to listen to the acoustic versions of Rock & Alternative-rock songs. It gives a mild feeling.

March 22, 06:50 AM

Mornings are creative. If you need to make some decisions, this part of the day is the best. And you will have lot of will power! :D

March 21, 05:37 PM

My ancestors were cut down, then buildings were constructed, and now they planted me here. Ironic.

March 20, 11:16 AM

A small request to the people in office space, try using pet bottles & mugs instead of using paper cups. In-fact having hot beverages in wax-coated paper cups are not safe.

March 19, 10:28 PM

So, I got this fish from my friend which does nothing but eats. I saw somewhere that observing fish for a while reduces heart related disease. This fish is exceptional, almost all the time it tries to jump out of the bowl and gives me a mini-heart-attack. :|

March 18, 10:54 AM

Listening to music you love unleashes the feel-good brain chemicals. It seems our taste of music doesn't come from birth, it evolves with time. 

March 17, 05:39 PM

Reading this book, Kumari Kandam. This book hypothetically says that Tamil people & its civilization came from 'Sumer' an ancient civilization formed in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq and Kuwait. Interesting isn't...

March 16, 10:15 AM

Can't help but to take a picture of one of the sexiest musical instrument. Did you know, electric guitar was invented in the year 1931.

March 15, 01:23 PM

This is what I like about some parts of Bangalore, Trees! Found this in Koramangala!

March 14, 02:23 PM

If we consider 'z' as the radius and 'a' as the width, then the volume of pizza is pi*z*z*a!

March 13, 08:45 PM

These days coffee shops are empty, only beer cafes are crowded :)

March 12, 11:46 AM

This is what I learnt from a fallen leaf, 'despite of being kicked out by the tree, you should stick around, someone will notice you' :P

March 11, 08:35 PM

Took at Raheja Residency, Bangalore. My friend stays here and he said, this closed community with bunch of apartments have its own website with details on who is specialist on what. Like Surgeon, Beautician, Artist etc., Nice idea!

March 10, 09:52 AM

Money is not happiness, but money buys me Donut, Walnut, Internet and they all make me feel happy. :P

March 9, 06:30 PM

Evenings turns us lighthearted, it basically gives the 'day is over' feel. As per Old English, the word evening is derived like even+ing i.e., grow towards night, levels (even-ing) the darkness around. :)

March 8, 09:08 PM

Today, reached 40,000 kilometers. I am not a bike lover or something but got to say 'riding a bike' is just awesome (in traffic less roads of-course). The longest kms I drove alone was 165 kms, and yeah was listening to some rock-classics.

March 7, 09:38 PM

On an average, IT employees spends more than 40% of each year in their cubicle. For some, that's the place where they forget outside world. For some, that's the world.  

March 6, 05:23 PM

Rich gets the same, poor gets the same, kid gets the same, adult gets the same, you get the same & I get the same. Yeah, it is time! Time is one beautiful gift everyone gets equally. Some uses it for the best and some doesn't. 

March 5, 08:32 AM

Only people who loves coffee knows how precious their morning coffee is. Its like, the better you make it, the better your day is. One health tip, Coffee could help prevent type-2 diabetes.

March 4, 09:00 AM

Rubik's cube must be a female gender, only experts can solve all her problems. You can use around 8! * 3^7 * (12!/2) * 2^11 possibilities to solve. :D

March 3, 07:19 PM

At office space, Stop-look-go is something I heard in a TED talk by an old man. He said if you need to live a meaningful life, live it with grace, cherish each moment by following simple 3 steps. Stop. Look. Go. Stop routine work & give a pause. Look around you and be happy with what you got. Go find something new each day. You are welcome! 

March 2, 09:56 AM

Hair check#1, let me see how long I can resist not cutting my hair. I am trying to learn patience and never give up attitude. Help me here, is there any other way to learn them? :P 

2014 March 1, 10:39 PM

This day, our last night at 005 Aishwarya apartments.. Sharing some light moments with room mates and no wonder it started drizzling outside.. I was here since July 2007, such a long stay! At times change is good, you have a lot to see in this world.

*Inspired by HoNY (

Friday, February 28, 2014


Two sides of a coin

Day in, Day out, My heart is beating 
Wishing for a step out,
from actual routine life

Win it, Lose it, it is going to be a game that
we play thinking that
results that are not enough!

It’s bright, it’s dark, that is how the day
is defined, we should find a way
to the destiny a.k.a life

Make them, break them, those promises we keep
for the sake of others, so deep..
change is a little tough!

Be first, be last, no one cares about
what position you are at,
Each one's concern is about 
their own spot!

Use it, waste it, the clock that ticks never stops,
You have to solve life’s riddles
And set your priorities!

Play it, Pause it, your life is a beautiful song
It’s O.K. if something goes wrong
mistakes are the best teachers !

Space and time

When I was a kid, I loved looking at space,
wondering about the stars and the moon!

Slowly, during my school days, they trained me for a race,
injecting homework day, night and noon!

Here I am, scribbling this while sitting in my office space,
thinking that this must be a boon*!

*a thing that is helpful or beneficial


Life is a guitar,
Yeah, it is up to you to take & play it!

Those strings are your loved ones
You got to keep them 
rust free,
You got to keep in touch,
like a bird and tree!

Those frets are your moments
You got to choose and 
use them wisely,
Let it flow like a beautiful 

Life is a guitar,
Well yeah, it is up to you not to play it!

Those chords are your happiness
Sometimes they sound better &
Sometimes not,
Need to cut those sorrows
with the axe we got!

Those tuners are your friends
Though you seldom use them,
they always make their presence felt,
giving life the right rhythm!

Life is a guitar,
when some things get worse
you know how to tune it !

Life is a guitar,
Yeah, it is up to you to take & strum it !

Life is a guitar,
Yeah, it is up to you to take & play it!

Time machine

Those sleepless nights you had
when I was in you!

Those lullabies you sang
when you sent me to sleep!

Those tired nights you had
when I cried late at night!

Those days you worried about me
when I had mild headaches!

Those moments will never come back
where I was too tiny to lie in your lap!

There is no come back

Stop thinking about me!

I never cared for you, I never prayed for you,
The time that I spent was not with any plans,
I already forgot those moments we shared!

I don't like you.

So, Stop thinking about me!

I gave you a lot of chances, you gave me no other choice,
You tried to change me for no reason,
I can't take this, everything makes no sense!

You don't deserve me.

So, Stop thinking about me!

You have your life, You are so naive,
You never tried to understand me,
No one knows how hard it is to take this decision!

I am taking new path.

So, Stop thinking about me!

Sweet Rewind

Let me write you a song,
I never know this might go wrong!

When I met you I thought,
we might not get along a lot!

Do you remember 
when we first met,
we shared nothing but a smile,
Well, I didn't know that
You sowed the seeds on my soil!

When we were driving 
towards the coast,
during that little long journey
while the sun kissed the west,
I was sitting in the wrong seat!

I still remember 
the next day,
we both followed each other 
all the way
trying to escape the real world!

I wish you rain on me, remove the stains on me, 
things are different now, 
not like the days when you were with me! 

I don't know what I miss about you, 
Is it the innocent smile, 
oh wait I think those naughty eyes, 
mm may be those chubby cheeks!

When you were with me I never looked at clocks.. 
There was one night I still remember,
the whole world stood still, 
when I kissed you after on-the-rocks!

If you come back. Only if you come back.

I wanna take you to a place
a place that is closer to nature
a place where people pour love

I know you will come with me,
the trust I have in you but
the rest is up to you!

I am sure you will love me back,
that moment am waiting for
like a peace after years of war!

Love and sarcasm

Here comes the dream again
the feeling of getting wet in the summer rain!

I think about you everyday
Only when I look at you I got nothing to say!

I don't know if you like me
Then I realized flowers won't talk to me!

Moon glitters, it seems special tonight,
are you looking at it right now!

I don't know if it’s wrong or right,
I started liking you from the first day we met!

When you walk on the streets at night,
I find stars dropping their jaws low!

How do I know what you think,
Am so afraid of the answer I may get!

You are my sunshine
You are my valentine 

How can I make you mine
tell me before I die in pain

Will you be mine, if so I'll be on cloud nine!

End is beginning

You got to tell me the story,
the story you hide from me,
from me, the hugs, to you,
to you I belong forever,
forever your love in my heart,
my heart is all that you got!

Friday, July 12, 2013

How to be happy!! A million dollar question!!

People often wonder about how to find Happiness. 

They search it all over the world, forgetting the fact that it is just under their feet. You must have heard many times, the more non-living things you like and need in life, the more you are losing your life. I know, it is not easy to give up.

Stop talking to Android\IoS\Windows and start talking to People! I know its tough, at least try to reduce it.

Do you know why human's are different from Animals? Human's 'Smile' Animals don't :) !

Let me start with things not to do when it comes to 'your' so called life:

1. Don't compare yourself with others. You are unique in your own way.

2. Don't worry about 'worries'. You are not alone, everyone got their own huge list, which should be left back & just move on.

3. Don't over think about something. Over thinking is poison!

4. Don't let past memories and future predictions spoil the party of Present. 

Now, those are not the only dont's but enough for today. :)

Let me move on to the things that you can do to be happy or let me say to live peacefully,

1. Try finding what you like to do while you are worried about something. Some listen to music, some eat, some watch TV, some go play football etc.,

2. Say there is this 'stupid issue' not moving out of your head, remember this, 'Issue will either have a solution or there is no solution, if there is solution why to worry, if there is no solution why to worry'.

3. Happiness is a state of mind. When your mind is in peace, it means you are happy. Happiness is not defined like 'how loud you laugh' it is about 'how often you silently smile inside' (for a good sake! am not talking about pulling someone down and do that 'silent smile', that is evil). So keep your mind in peace, like no one can disturb it, ever!.

4. Take things easily, if someone is scolding you, take it just to ear not to heart. Just think about, what will you do to 'not let that someone scold you again'. Of course, if it was for no reason, you will be mature enough to prove them wrong in a pretty decent way. 

As you know, change is constant. You can change yourself anytime (I mean to enter into this Happy zone) in this life, provided you got to groom and control your mind slowly and steadily! Believe me, this does not need Yoga!

Will post more, Thanks.